Your donations make a huge difference to the community we serve. Every cent, dollar, service, and in-kind donation is making a difference because of YOU. Our organization could not make an impact without YOUR support. Individuals lives are in change of YOUR hands. TODAY you can make a difference!

Donate new or gently used items Monday through Friday 8am-5pm, call in advance to set a scheduled time to drop off items.

  • Clothing for all ages and genders
  • Blankets/ Pillows
  • Toiletries: tooth brushes, brushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc..
  • Furniture upon approval (may need to call in advance)
  • Toys/Games
  • Food (Dry or prepped meals)
  • Gift cards (Clothing, food, and or gas)

Lorem Ipsum

Nam laoreet, ipsum quis cursus tempor, nunc ex consectetur mauris, id hendrerit mauris enim vel ante. Ut porta, dolor ut facilisis vestibulum, felis eros tristique arcu, ac interdum purus sem ut mi.

Phasellus at arcu eget diam mattis pretium. Pellentesque turpis neque, venenatis vitae ligula rhoncus, elementum rutrum nunc. Quisque sed elementum justo.

Aenean eu lectus mattis, dapibus lectus vel, facilisis nulla. Proin metus lorem, consequat quis aliquam quis, accumsan sed dolor. Pellentesque tempus interdum magna a interdum. Proin quis mi nulla. Donec eget fermentum elit.

Learn More

Here’s how your donation can make a difference:

Click the button below to donate to our Emergency Shelter Services:


Pay for child care, meal, clothing

$ 25


Pay for clothing, meal, and or gift card

$ 50


Gift Card for family

$ 75


Pays for gift for birthday and or Christmas

$ 100